
General News

26 September, 2024

Auction of a collectors' dream

The contents of an enormous deceased estate - so large it spreads across two locations will be open for inspection this Friday, before a massive five days of online bidding.

By Samantha Smith

An example of some of the auction items.
An example of some of the auction items.

The deceased was known throughout the region as Mr Fix-It, and as someone who never threw anything away in case he needed it one day.

The collection includes an assortment of vintage trucks (Mack, Austin, Chevy, Bedford), vintage tractors (Case, John Deere, Belarus, Chamberlain) and passenger vehicles from last century sit alongside silos and heavy agricultural machinery (combine harvesters, backhoe loaders, balers, cultivators, dozers, scarifiers, seed drills)

Trailers, gates, workshop machinery, tools, spare parts and collectibles fill every nook and cranny of the farms’ sheds - there are over 1200 item lots to be disposed of.

See if for yourself at 10 George Street, Watchem on Friday September 27 from 11am to 1.30pm, and Morton Plains Road, Morton Plains from 1pm to 3pm.

Auctions will take place online, Sunday September 29 at 10am, Monday September 30 at 6pm, Tuesday October 1 at 6pm, Saturday October 5 and Sunday October 6 at 10am.

​​Collection of sold items will be Sunday October 13 - Wednesday October 16 from 9am to 4pm.

For a more comprehensive listing of lots and terms and conditions of sale, visit


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