General News
14 September, 2024
Election at a glance
The local government election period for every municipality in Victoria officially begins at 12pm on Tuesday September 17 - the deadline for prospective council candidates to lodge their nominations. Election Day is Saturday October 26.
How to nominate
Candidates must make an appointment during business hours with the election manager to lodge their nomination forms and pay their $250 nomination fee. Late nominations cannot be accepted.
More information on nominating as a candidate is available at
Ballot paper draw
The final list of candidates in ballot paper order will be available on the VEC website on the afternoon of Wednesday September 18 following the ballot draws.
Where lodged, candidates’ personal statements, photographs and answers to the optional candidate questionnaire will also be published.
Council operations
The election period is often referred to as the caretaker period, when councils go into "caretaker mode", avoiding actions and decisions which could be seen to be influencing voters or which will have a significant impact on the incoming council.
While councillors still undertake their day-to-day duties until election day, there will be significant changes to their access to council information and resources during the election period.
For details of restrictions placed on council officers and councillors, and additional responsibilities of a CEO during this period, visit:
Electoral offences
Campaign offences range from 10 penalty units ($1975) to five years in prison. At the lower end of the scale are offences related to improper publishing. Indictable offences include bribery, intimidation, false statements and interfering with ballot materials.
For details visit
Voting eligibility
If you are enrolled to vote in the federal and state elections and are a resident in your local council municipality, then you are automatically enrolled to vote at the council elections.
You may also be eligible to vote if you are a ratepayer, even if you are not an Australian citizen, or live outside the council municipality. This is called council-enrolled voting.
It is compulsory for every enrolled person to vote at the 2024 local government elections.
Horsham Wards
Currently an unsubdivided municipality, HRCC will move to having seven single-councillor wards following a 2023 Victorian Government review.
Residents must vote in the ward that they live in. However, candidates for election can nominate in any ward regardless of where they live or own property.
The new Horsham wards are named Green Park, Horsham North, Kalimna, May Park, Oatlands, Pine Lake and Wyn Wyn.
How to vote
Voting is by post only. Ballot packs will be mailed to all enrolled voters from Monday October 7. Postal votes must be posted by 6pm on Friday October 25. All postal votes must be received by 12pm on Friday November 1.
If you’re going to be away between Monday October 7 and Friday October 25, you may still be able to vote.
Uncontested elections
If the number of candidates in an election is the same or fewer than the number of vacancies, those candidates are elected without the need for a vote. This is called being elected unopposed, or an uncontested election. A by-election is held at a future date to fill the remaining vacancies.
If nobody nominates as a candidate, no voting takes place and another election is held as soon as possible.
Election results
All election results are to be declared by Friday November 15.
You can find out more by calling the VEC on 131 832 or by visiting