General News
1 August, 2024
Hindmarsh held in a positive light
Hindmarsh Shire residents have given their council a big tick in the annual local government Community Satisfaction Survey (CSS).

There is a two-point increase in the survey of 400 residents in response to questions about council's overall performance, putting Hindmarsh slightly above the average rating of small-rural councils (53), and the average rating of local councils statewide (54).
According to the survey, Hindmarsh residents also have more confidence in the overall direction of council, up four points from last year to 46, and are very impressed with the local waste management strategies which, at 75 points, towers over the small-rural and statewide averages of just 67.
Hindmarsh is also leading the way in the appearance of public areas (76) and recreational facilities (68), against other small-rural councils and statewide averages.
Roads remain the most important area of service on the community’s mind, with the condition of the shire’s unsealed and sealed roads rated as extremely important or very important areas of service by 89 cent of those surveyed.
All three areas of services relating to roads - local streets and footpaths, sealed local roads, and unsealed local roads - remain unchanged from last year’s ratings of 59, 48, and 36 points respectively, and are still better than the statewide and small-rural council averages.
The next service area prioritised by those surveyed was elderly support services, deemed either “extremely important” or “very important” by 88 per cent of respondents.
But Hindmarsh is declining in that area according to the survey, with a four-point drop to 62 from last year, compared to the small-rural (65) and statewide (63) averages.
Other areas needing improvement, and which rated lower than the statewide average and small-rural council average, were enforcement of local laws, community development and tourism, keeping the community informed, and slashing and weed control.
Hindmarsh Shire Council chief executive Monica Revell said the survey would provide council with valuable information on the community's priorities.
“Although the results show improvements from 2023, we understand from the feedback that our community would like us to provide more activities for seniors and younger people, give more support and encouragement to businesses, increase communication and consultation with the community (including talking to people more), deal with planning permits more quickly, and have younger councillors,” Ms Revell said.
“We have commenced improving our communication and consultation with the community through the introduction of monthly CEO drop-in sessions in each town, farmer consultation sessions, sporting club barbecues, and drop-in sessions for specific topics.
“Informing the community through the preparation of fortnightly e-newsletters, monthly hard copy newsletters available at our Customer Service Centres and libraries, and the new quarterly hard copy newsletter which is delivered to mailboxes across the shire by Australia Post and local catalogue distributors has also been a focus.”
Ms Revell said she encouraged community members to read the council newsletters to stay up to date with the range of events and activities being offered by council, as well as the times and dates of community consultation and drop-in sessions.
Council is currently advertising for a panel of suppliers for the provision of town planning and associated services.
“Our aim is to establish a panel that ensures responsiveness to requests, increased communication through the planning application process, and delivers planning decisions within the statutory timelines,” Ms Revell said.
“We have also recently implemented GreenLight for planning applications which will improve the planning process by enabling applicants to track their planning permit as it progresses.”
Hindmarsh Shire Council is classified as a Small Rural. Others within this classification include Buloke, Hindmarsh, Loddon, Northern Grampians, West Wimmera and Yarriambiack.
“Thank you to the residents who participated in the survey and shared their thoughts,” Ms Revell said.
“We are proud of what our team has achieved over the previous year and look forward to working hard to meet and exceed community expectations.”
Hindmarsh Shire currently has six councillors representing three wards (East, West and North), with two thought to be stepping down this year.
Council elections are due to be held in October.
The Municipal Association of Victoria will hold a Stand for Council information session on Wednesday August 14 from 6.30pm at the Nhill Memorial Community Centre.