23 September, 2024
How the Demons turned it around
Coming runners-up last year, Ebonie Salter and the Horsham Demons went back to the drawing board to change things up, and they found the right combination to not only finish minor premiers but to win the premiership.

They worked hard on the mental side of things, and with new players and a change of position for some, they found a way to make it work. Salter explained in more detail.
"We worked hard to make this happen and worked a lot in our heads," Salter said.
"We still had the team and the previous years' team there, and we had the goods to make it work, and we had to work hard and not be lazy.
"Getting lazy is easy to do with a talented side, so we had to push through that, and we did."
"Tahlia Thompson played goals her entire life, and we moved her to the centre, and she killed it. Most centres would agree she is one of the toughest players they have played against, and she never gives up and brings the x-factor."
"We swapped our goalies around and moved Romi Miller from wing defence to goal defence and put Keely Pope into wing defence from the attack line."
"Georgie Carberry in wing attack controls and dominates, so we had a bit of a mixup, and full credit to the girls for starting almost from scratch and getting here again, which is brilliant."