
General News

11 August, 2024

In Good Faith

- with Lucas Matuschka

In Good Faith - feature photo

“I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because You have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children,” Matthew 11:25.

There has never been so much information at our fingertips as there is today.

Walking into a large library could be an overwhelming experience, with books, pamphlets, magazines, even cassette tapes and microfilms (if you’re old enough to remember what they are), all full of knowledge of all kinds, all at our fingertips, for our use.

But the information available at the click of a button on the internet is far greater still, and all accessible from the comfort of our armchairs.

In fact, the average mobile phone has more computing power than NASA used when they sent man to the moon.

Of course, the more information available, the more misinformation becomes accessible also, and what damage it can cause, as it has in the United States and United Kingdom in recent times.

Of course, no one can master all the knowledge of the human race.

People have tried. 

An ancient Chinese emperor once tried to make an encyclopaedia of everything ever written, but gave up when he realised the task was impossible.

But despite all the increase in our knowledge in just about every aspect of life, there is tremendous ignorance about the knowledge that matters the most to us - knowledge of our heavenly Father, the true way of salvation, the way to heaven.

We may feel sure that we can know all the truth, by our own power of mind and our own intellects, even the truth about God Himself.

How many religious teachers have become boastful and proud of the religious ideas they have developed from their own imaginations? It’s one of the hallmarks of a cult.

But all our human sophistication, great and helpful though it is in earthly matters, cannot amount to anything but delusion in heavenly matters.

The fact that we can’t conceive of almighty God using our own intellects is actually a judgement by the Father on foolish human pride.

The Lord has hidden Himself from our intellects, precisely so we may not become proud and conceited.

The truth about Christ must be revealed to us by God, and received as a gift of faith.

It is humble people with child-like faith who alone know the greatest truth: that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Saviour.

Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 18:3). 

He doesn’t mean we all should regress to childhood, merely that we should take Him at His Word, like children do their parents, and not try to delve into divine matters using our own human knowledge.

May the Lord grant us all a simple, childlike faith in Him, a mind which always looks for the truth about God not in our own intellects or our own frail wisdom, but in God Himself.


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