
General News

1 December, 2024

In Good Faith

Mark 13:1-13

In Good Faith - feature photo

Last Sunday was the final Sunday in the church year, one of the handful of days in which we devote our attention almost entirely to the future. I’m sure you’d agree that this is easier said than done! None of us can predict the future. Will it rain some more tomorrow? Will we remain in good health? Who wouldn’t like to know who will win next year’s Melbourne Cup? It would be like Back to the Future in real life!

Maybe the reason why we’re often so curious about the future, is that it’s hidden to us. God tells us some details about the future in the book of Revelation and also in Daniel; but He isn’t in the business of satisfying our curiosity, and what He does tell us about the future isn’t all pleasant.

In Mark 13, Jesus Himself tells us that there will be persecution and maybe even martyrdom, for those who love God. In Daniel 12 we read this will be a ‘time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then’ (Dan. 12:1).

Thank God this hasn’t taken place yet! And Jesus said, ‘When you hear of wars and rumours of wars, do not be alarmed. Such things must happen…’ (Mk. 13:7). Could it be that the turmoil and upheaval of present years, COVID, the wars in Ukraine and Palestine and elsewhere, are God’s way of warning us of what will take place? His ways of saying ‘Things are only going to get worse! Turn to me and live!’?

The thing to remember, however, is that when God draws our attention to what the future holds, He doesn’t want us to become worried or anxious or depressed. He simply wants us to be prepared. The message is grim, but it is one He gives us out of concern: ‘Everyone will hate you because of me’. But He also says, … "the one who stands firm to the end will be saved," (Mk. 13:13).

Apart from this, we don’t know what the future will bring. What point is there in trying to focus on the unknown? Instead, we should cling to what we know God has done. He offers, freely, eternal life with Him through His Son Jesus Christ. He has promised to all who believe in Him, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Let God’s sure and certain promises sustain you as you enter the future, no matter what it may hold!



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