
General News

5 December, 2024

Leadership course creating fearless leaders

Thirteen people have graduated from Wimmera Southern Mallee (WSM) Development’s Changemaker’s Program, where they engaged in a group retreat, immersive workshops, social awareness training and leadership development activities over 10 months.

By Caitlin Menadue

Graduates from Wimmera Southern Mallee Development’s Changemaker’s Program.
Graduates from Wimmera Southern Mallee Development’s Changemaker’s Program.

They all delivered powerful speeches at their celebration ceremony last week.

Graduates are Aaron Shalders (West Wimmera Shire Council), Ashley Clugston (GWM Water), Billee Sanders (PB Seeds), Chamo Wilfred (West Wimmera Shire Council), Craig Byron (Yarriambiack Shire Council), Cullen Williams (Horsham Golf Club), Emma King (West Wimmera Health Service/CFA volunteer), Georgia Bennett (Grampians Tourism), Katelyn McKay (Uniting Wimmera), Larissa Riddell (Horsham Rural City Council), Natasha Gardner (Green Taylor Partners), Nicole Jhureea (Grampians Community Health) and Renee Burns (Intergrain).

WSM Development Leadership Wimmera Project Coordinator Binesh Tholath said the 10-month course aimed to help participants develop their leadership skills and knowledge and create a personal leadership 'brand'.

“After listening to their graduation presentations, each person gained so much more from the course,” Mr Tholath said.

“They all talked about developing greater confidence and belief in themselves – both traits that make a great leader.

"We wish all our course participants all the best in their professional and personal lives, as they continue to learn and grow.”

Graduate Nicole Jhureea from Grampians Community Health said the course took her out of her comfort zone.

“I learned that being more vulnerable, makes other people more vulnerable around me,” Ms Jhureea said.

“This helps you get to know people better and, in turn, you can grow together.”

Leading teams facilitator Julian Farkas said hearing the participants talk at the graduation ceremony about the areas of the program that resonated with them the most and had a profound impact on their growth was “inspiring”.

“There can be no greater reward for me as a facilitator than to hear people describe their experience as life changing,” Mr Farkas said.

The 2024 program was supported by scholarships generously provided by ACE Radio, CFA, The Hugh Williamson Foundation, Minerals Council of Australia, Robyn and Des Lardner and Rotary Club of Horsham.

Around 600 people have graduated from WSM Development’s Changemakers Program since 2002.


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