
General News

5 June, 2024

Robin welcomed to U3A for life

Horsham U3A has a new life member - Robin Ellis - who was rewarded for his service at the organisation's annual meeting.

By Faye Smith

Robin Elllis and June Liddy.
Robin Elllis and June Liddy.

Mr Ellis, a U3A member for 20 years, first attended U3A Horsham's art group before starting a computer group in 2011, now called the technology group.

He also computerised class rolls, has helped with registration days and the community expo, and has filled in as assistant treasurer.

The meeting elected June Liddy for her second term as president.

Vice-president is Bob McIlvena and Judy Dillon is treasurer, with other office bearers being minute secretary Joyce Lane and committee members Patricia Maybery, Carol Drummond, Mike Coffey, Bill Goodwin and new member Lauris Logan.

Mrs Liddy said special events during the year included a highly successful Community Groups Expo in Horsham Town Hall as well as a cemetery walk, an open day and a stroke prevention talk.

A Writers of the Wimmera Group has also been formed.

Read More: Horsham


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